Class JPortalListener

    • Constructor Detail

      • JPortalListener

        public JPortalListener()
    • Method Detail

      • handleCommitUpdate

        public void handleCommitUpdate​(Storable storable,
                                       Storable oldStorable,
                                       boolean firstTime)
        When a jportal is updated reset it's mapping in case structure changed
        Specified by:
        handleCommitUpdate in interface StoreListener
        handleCommitUpdate in class BasicStoreListener
        storable - the storable, this instance is the object that was created at first and that will be stored in jcms until deletion of the storable with this ID. You should always manipulate this object if you maintain any index.
        oldStorable - the previous version of the storable, it is a clone, do not use in any index, it should only be used to access old values.
        firstTime - true if it is the first time this operation is processed
        See Also:
        StoreListener.handleCommitUpdate(Storable, Storable, boolean)